As I sit down to write this message to keep everyone informed, my thoughts seem to always return to the difficulties that we have seen as a family during the month. Everything other than that just seems to be of so much less importance right now. During the month of January we lost two of our own. We were still reeling from the news of losing Detective Camerino Santiago when the word came later in the day that just hours later we had lost Detective Charles Harmon. As I recall that day with sadness, I am also encouraged and proud of how we came together as a family to take care of the families of these two incredible men. I sat in the Auxiliary Support office as plans were made for Sentry Watch and I marveled at how our Officers filled 9 days of that duty for two fallen brothers! That was amazing! I also thank the people that made the deliveries of snacks and drinks to those working Sentry Duty so that they could stay on their post and provide honors. Thank you to the EPPD Honor Guard, EPMPOA Directors and the Borderland 100 Club for the support during difficult times.
As we recover from these losses, I’d like to remind everyone that your membership in CLEAT also provides you with the opportunity to get your wills done for free. This is an excellent service provided that all of you should take care of. We get side tracked with work and family, but rest assured that getting this done is a big part of taking care of your family! If you want to get started on it, please send an email to and get started on your will packet soon!
COVID continues to spread amongst our ranks regardless of vaccines and safety protocols. We still have sanitizer available. If you need some, please get with your board representative. As always, be safe and take every precaution to ensure you and your family’s health. As soon as we are able to meet and not have to turn anyone away at the door, we will resume the general membership meetings. I’m sure we are all tired of the restrictions that have been imposed on us, but as a group, we must continue to be safe and do our part.
Michael Short
President - EPMPOA